Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Hello 2010! I have waited for this year for a while. It's going to be a big year! I will graduate in May with my undergraduate degree in Special Education and Elementary Education! I celebrated New Year's with friends at their condo. At midnight we set off fireworks on the beach! I love this time of year!

2010 Resolutions....sorry for just posting this but I really wanted to think about it!
1. Find a teaching position job in South Carolina preferably in my home district.
2. Exercise at least one hour every week- hopefully this will increase!
3. Cook one new recipe every month.
4. Get organized...especially teaching materials and all before I start teaching!
5. Find a part time job!
6. Get involved with working with youth in the community.
7. Smile and pay a compliment to someone every day.
8. Graduate with honors from college.
9. Travel somewhere new!
10. Meet new people who will provide encouragement and support!

What are you New Year's Resolutions?!?! Hope everyone is enjoying 2010 so far!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2010!! I am afraid to say aloud (or write) my resolutions in fear of breaking them, HA!
