Friday, November 20, 2009


I have a blonde cocker spaniel named Faith and a miniature dachshund named Cooper. I brought Faith home when I was in 8th grade in my sweatshirt. I went to the Savannah Flea Market and got her with a friend's family. My friend's family told me that I could have a dog at their house. They felt guilty they told my parents because I was with them when theirs died :( So I brought Faith in and walked immediately to my room bypassing everyone. I was young thought I could raise her in my room I guess ha......little did I know raising a puppy is like raising a child. When my dad called me to get back downstairs he questioned what was moving around in my sweatshirt. When I pulled him out he was in love (even if he doesn't admit it) and my mom was in shock haha. We had to work on her to convince her to keep Faith. But now that I am in college my parents love the dog more then me sometimes ha.

When I moved in with my grandparents I bought my grandma a mini dachshund named Cooper. SOOO spoiled haha. He is a creature of habit and such a cuddler. He always makes me laugh even when I am down. Its like it knows and instantly comes and gives me kisses!
I love them!

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