Sunday, January 16, 2011

Relaxing Weekend!

So after 3 days off and 2 late start days its again the weekend :) I love spending the weekend relaxing with the most amazing husband! We have not done a lot anything this weekend which makes me happy. I have used the days to work on some school work that I neglected over my extended winter vacation from school. We went grocery shopping---since we had the bare essentials only and went to check on the house.
The fence is coming along even though we need to talk to the builder asap. We drew out the fence but where the posts are currently isn't correct. I am hoping it will be an easy fix. We went to the gym on Saturday for a little bit and boy my abs still burn :)
Well we both have tomorrow off for MLK Jr. Day so I hope we can begin packing and cleaning up the apartment! In less then a month we will be in our new home!

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled onto your blog! How exciting to be moving! Have fun decorating:-)
