Monday, December 28, 2009


Where has 2009 gone???

Feels like yesterday I was just getting ready for New Year's Eve 2008. I can not believe that in five months I will be a college graduate :)

Even though this year has had its ups and downs I have learned a lot about others and myself.

I am excited to see what 2010 has in store for me!

What are your New Year's Resolutions? I am working on mine...I will post about them later this week!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Week in Review...

Sorry since I came home things have been CRAZY! But I survived finals! 4 A's and 1 A-...

So I got in Monday after driving through dense fog and rain the entire 4 hours :( But I am home and get to see views like this every day!

Tuesday I woke up had to be at the eye doctor's office at 8. Got good news my vision has not changed since last year! Then the day just went down from there. I ran to the mall to run a few Christmas errands and someone hit my car and left. I mean honestly seriously people. But it was just paint damage and it could have been worse but everyone is okay and it can be fixed! After the car drama I had to go to the dentist. So here is the short version: I had braces when I was in middle school, got my wisdom teeth taken out in May, and I have recently started having TMJ symptoms and my teeth have shifted. So needless to say the dentist told me I need to see an Orthodontist immediately...this break is being very expensive in the matter of just 24 hours.

Wednesday: I started working back at the preschool where I worked at during the summer. Wow did I miss those kids but boy they wore me out. Due to the staff situation this week I was placed in with the 8 month olds-14 month olds and boy I was exhausted. And needless to say every child had a runny nose and cough...great...not.

Thursday: The preschool director and board hosted all the teachers a Christmas breakfast. It was amazing! I worked and then went to the orthodontist. He basically gave me two options: braces or invisalign. After discussing the pro's and con's and costs of both we decided to go with invisalign. So braces round two starts at the beginning next year. I go next Wednesday for impressions and all that fun stuff. After work I felt miserable so I came home and dosed up on Emergent C...that stuff works wonders!

Friday: I have survived! Still not feeling 100% but getting there. Well I have been spending the night wrapping Christmas presents and making a list of stuff still to buy. I am going shopping tomorrow with Dad...this could be interesting ha.
Tonight I received notification that I will be working at India Hook Elementary with the Inclusion teacher! Woohoo! Prayers were answered!

Hope everyone had a great week!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Cheer in the Air!

Tonight my friend, Allison, and myself went over to Cullum's. We babysit for this family and just adore Jack and Sam! The cooked us dinner and we helped to decorate the Christmas tree. Honestly it was more us goofy off with Jack and Sam. They are such an amazing family! They made us fudge and gave us a gift card to Target! (The key to my heart...I love Target!) Here are some pictures from the night. Unfortunately I didn't get any of same because he went to bed before we started decorating the tree.

Playing in the lights....
The boy and his ladies....haha

Hope everyone had a great Sunday!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hello Weekend :)

Finally the weekend is here! I had to take a final exam this morning at 11:30...seriously who gives college students exams on Saturday morning? But at least it done! I feel pretty good about it and only have one more on Monday! Where has this semester gone?
Tonight a couple of my close friends who are also Special Education majors are going out! We finally have time to breath and enjoy ourselves. We are going to go to Chili's to start the night off. I love that place definitely Cajun Chicken Pasta...oh so yummy. We are then going to go downtown to a place called Mchales! There is a local band playing and meeting up with some more people from school.
Tomorrow I plan on cleaning the apartment and packing! Boy that is going to be a big task to accomplish. Since this semester has been so busy I have just been tossing stuff here and there and picking up a little when I could. But tomorrow is that day this place will be spotless.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday in Review

Wow it's already Thursday!?!? Where did this week go? Today I spend the morning working on my Emotional Behaviors and Learning Disabilities Method take home exam and then went to the grocery store. That has been pretty much my day nothing too exciting. Tonight I am making my mom's taco casserole that I love and have been craving but she ran out of time at Thanksgiving to make it. So we will see if mine comes close to hers...I am pretty sure I will still be craving hers.

So who watches GLEE on FOX? Please tell me someone besides me!
I am so upset that I have to watch for a new episode until next year. I love the music and it always makes me have a better day! I am not usually addicted to tv shows but between GLEE, Army Wives, and Desperate Housewives...sure seems like I am. What is your favorite tv show?

Hope everyone has a great day!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oh the Joys of Finals....

Today I had my first final of the semester. I am just happy that the class is over. It was by far my most demanding class of the semester a lot of observations outside of my student teaching which was stressful. Today I meet two girls from the class to study but it did not go as planned. The fire alarm in the education building kept going off and the library was packed. But I felt okay about the exam.
After class I met up with my best friends Emily and Allie for some dinner at Chili's. This semester has been very busy so we try to get together as much as possible. Tonight was nice and relaxing and we just got to laugh and enjoy ourselves. A nice change from a very stressful week.
Tomorrow I don't have any exams! I plan on spending the day working on study guides for my exams on Saturday and Monday and working on my take home exam and presentation. What is one piece of advice you would give a college student during final week?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Study Day...

Today was Study Day...and boy did I use my time wisely. I was in the school computer lab by 8:30 am and productive. I finished a presentation and met with a group to study for my first final tomorrow. Boy am I ready to have finals done. This semester is my last real busy semester of finals because next semester I will be student teaching.

A month and a half ago I took the Special Education Core Praxis Exam for teacher certification. I got my score back today and I PASSED! Woohoo... 3 Praxis exams left and the GRE!

I would like to ask everyone to pray for my sweet friend Rachel whose boyfriend was killed by a IED in Afghanistan. He was a Marine stationed out of Camp Lejeune, NC. Rachel lost her mom four years ago also. Please pray for comfort for her and Jonathan's family during this difficult time.

Well back to studying for Intellectual Disabilities exam...Hope everyone is having a great week!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Get To Know Me- Christmas Edition

I saw this on Christa's blog and thought I would do it too!!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? - Wrapping paper I love the way it looks under the tree!

2. Real tree or artificial? - We use to always have a real tree until my freshman year of college when I grew an allergy to it--what a disappointment :(

3. When do you put up the tree? - Saturday after Thanksgiving...I would leave it up all year long if I could!

4. Do you like eggnog? -No but then again have only tried it once so things could change this season.

5. Favorite gift received as a child? - I loved getting anything to do with me a nerd ha. I loved dressing up as a teacher and arranging my room into a "classroom" and then teaching my stuffed animals or even my little brother.

6. Do you have a nativity scene? - Yes! I really want to get the Willow Tree nativity scene some day.

7. Hardest person to buy for? - My daddy...he always tells my mom and I oh I don't need anything..

8. Easiest person to buy for? - My brother- just buy anything to do with sports.

9. Mail or email Christmas cards? - Mail! I love hanging the cards on the stairway!

10. Favorite Christmas movie? - I love Christmas movies! Christmas Shoes is my all time favorite!

11. When do you start shopping for Christmas? - Black Friday.

12. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? - Yum..everything! I love cranberry sauce, ham, stuffing the whole nine yards!

13. Clear lights or colored lights on the tree? - Clear lights... love how classic they are.

14. Favorite Christmas song? - I love all Christmas songs! My all time favorites are My Grown-up Christmas List and Christmas Shoes

15. Travel or stay home at Christmas? - We stay at home and the grandparents come to visit us.

16. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitz-en, and Rudolph (Yes I sang the song...)

17. Angel on tree top or star? - Family Silver Star

18. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? - We open one present on Christmas Eve right before we go to bed (PJs) and then everything else on Christmas morning.

19. The most annoying thing about this time of year? - Absolutely nothing! I love this time of year and wish that it went on longer!

20. What I love most about Christmas - I LOVE everything about this time of year...being with friends and family, decorating, Christmas at the beach, Peppermint Mochas!, and celebrating the birth of Jesus!

Friday, November 20, 2009


I have a blonde cocker spaniel named Faith and a miniature dachshund named Cooper. I brought Faith home when I was in 8th grade in my sweatshirt. I went to the Savannah Flea Market and got her with a friend's family. My friend's family told me that I could have a dog at their house. They felt guilty they told my parents because I was with them when theirs died :( So I brought Faith in and walked immediately to my room bypassing everyone. I was young thought I could raise her in my room I guess ha......little did I know raising a puppy is like raising a child. When my dad called me to get back downstairs he questioned what was moving around in my sweatshirt. When I pulled him out he was in love (even if he doesn't admit it) and my mom was in shock haha. We had to work on her to convince her to keep Faith. But now that I am in college my parents love the dog more then me sometimes ha.

When I moved in with my grandparents I bought my grandma a mini dachshund named Cooper. SOOO spoiled haha. He is a creature of habit and such a cuddler. He always makes me laugh even when I am down. Its like it knows and instantly comes and gives me kisses!
I love them!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Well today has been busy...this morning I had the PRAXIS Special Education Core Exam. I have to take 6 tests to be certified to teach and I currently half way done. So I after much consideration and prayer I will be applying to Clemson for graduate school. Yesterday I spoke to the lady that coordinates it and she invited me to come visit and meet with her and the director! One step closer!
Since there was no home football game this weekend I was determined to be productive. I will be hiding out the next few weeks until after finals. I came home after my exam and watched football. Unfortunately ESPN360 kept going in and out so I only got to see parts of the game. But we WON! Clemson is going to the ACC Championship Dec. 5th in Tampa! They have only more conference game next weekend again Virginia then its the big SEC vs ACC game against the chickens (USC Gamecocks). LETS GO TIGERS!
I am getting back to work but just wanted to update real fast! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Graduate School

So I am in my senior year of my undergraduate degree and have been really thinking about what I want to do after graduation. I have thrown ideas around like move home for a year save some money and teach at my old elementary school, move to Charleston with some friends, teach in Rock Hill (where I am currently) and start teaching and grad school next fall, hold off on grad many options. Well today I got word of a new graduate program at Clemson University. The program is a one year program in Early Childhood Special Education (which is what I wanted to get my undergrad in but the state didn't offer that degree path). The program is federally funded and I would agree to teach for two years after I complete the program. I am so excited for this but I am having to look at in the big picture. I love Clemson and love that this major is being offered on the graduate level! I am really praying about it and hope everyone will pray for me as I make some big decisions! I contacted the head of the program today and I am waiting to hear back for more information! I will keep everyone posted..... Have a great night!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Clemson vs. FSU= AMAZING

Let's start with Friday. Friday I was determined to be productive. I had a to do list a mile long that just seemed to just keeping growing. I went to the ITC lab til noon on Friday to get some things accomplished but that is where the work ended. I had noticed a knot in my tire on my car so I went to the Honda dealership where I bought the tires. Sadly, I had to buy a whole new tire for 125 dollars....why in the world do tires cost so much?!? Then Mrs. Barbara called me to see if I could come babysit her two amazing children while her and the hubby met of with some friends. I never want to turn down an evening with some precious children. Well when I got there the children had multiplied and I ended up having five children. We had any amazing time we played nerf wars and Wii (which they beat me at).
Then when everyone came home they said they had an extra ticket to the Clemson/FSU game. Well I wasn't suppose to go to the Clemson vs. FSU this game because I was going to be productive but that changed. Mrs. Barbara told me I was going no questions asked! And boy oh boy what an amazing day/night and game! We had so much fun! What an amazing game is all I have to say. And to make it even better USC LOST!!! After halftime we were cheering and all and I looked down two rows and CJ Spiller's (who I am in love with) family was sitting there! Well needless to say I got a picture with them!
CJ Spiller is such a kind hearted person and an amazing football player! His family was sweet too! He is up for the Heisman and I would love for everyone to vote for him. Just go to
He is currently ahead of Tim Tebow! I love Tim but I would love CJ Spiller to win because he is a TIGER! Hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Sorry I have not updated in forever. This semester has been crazy busy with student teaching. This past weekend my two best friends Allie and Emily and I went to Clemson for homecoming. And yet again it poured on us. Every single home game this year has been held in the rain. Hopefully next weekend it will be nice. We finally have a night game against FSU! Go CLEMSON! Here is some of the pictures from this weekend.At the end of the game we had to go buy new clothes since we were soaked...Ponchos did no justice or protection this weekend since it poured. We had a great time. I love hanging out with these two fabulous ladies. We rode to Clemson with Mrs. Barbara who went to Clemson. Needless to say a great trip! On the way home we called into the Gamecock radio talkshow and let them know what we thought since they were bashing Clemson fans. The video is on facebook.

This week is going to busy but PRODUCTIVE I am determined. I can not believe that it is already November. I can't believe that this time next month I will be done teaching middle schoolers---where has this semester gone? I have absolutely fallen in love with middle school but I am excited that next semester I will be in an elementary school!

So I am currently looking for a bible study that is designed for single ladies if anyone has an suggestions please send me a comment!

I am currently wanting to change the blog around. If ya'll would please send me any links with backgrounds, buttons, etc please send them my way. I am new to this so help me out!

Well I am going to get back to lesson planning but hope ya'll have an amazing week!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oh the Joys of Midterms!

Whew...finally today has come to an end. Today has been crazy but this was by far the hardest day of the week so hopefully the rest of this week will be a breeze. This morning I taught a math lesson on making purchases to my middle schoolers. During the lesson, I was observed by my campus supervisor who I love dearly. She loved my lesson and the only suggestion was to lower my voice hahahahaha. Aren't teachers suppose to have loud voices? haha If you know me then you know my normal voice is loud much less a "teacher voice." But I am going to be working on it.
As soon as I left the middle school I had to go take my Special Education assessment midterm. Alright ya'll so I get the exam and its 15 pages with 50 short answer/essay questions with a couple multiple choices. But luckily I had studied my butt off these past few days and I feel confident that I did well! Now just holding my breath until next Tuesday.
So I have been running since 6am and had class til 7:45 pm I am exhausted but I keep telling myself that I will be very appreciative of all this hard work when I start teaching.
Also for anyone that is an education major we have to take the PRAXIS exams to be certified to teach. I took my first set, Elementary Education, in September and I got the scores back today and I PASSED! I am so very excited! Well going to try to be productive for a little bit then hitting the sheets!
Hope everyone had an amazing Tuesday!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

One Lazy Sunday

Today was a lazy Sunday the past few days I have felt under the weather and today it totally kicked my butt. I woke up with no voice this morning and thought my head was going to explode. And not to mention that this afternoon I discovered I am allergic to medicines the doctor gave me on Friday. My whole face broke out in hives- talk about freaking out. Unfortunately due to my illness I did not make it to church this morning. So today has been a lazy laughing around the apartment day. I did manage to watch a lot of television and I looked over some class notes. I really need to be productive since I have two tests, my math lesson is being observed by my campus supervisor, and a observation paper all due this week :( Please pray that I survive. Luckily my mom and brother are coming up this weekend to go shopping since Will has a soccer tournament.

I also wanted to remind everyone that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This time of year I think back to the women in my life that have had to fight this battle. I just want everyone to take a minute to remember those who have lost the fight and are currently fighting the fight. Also think about the women who have survived the fight.
Have a great week!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I LOVE WEEKENDS! I use the weekend to catch up on tv shows, social life, and the school work. I love this time of year FOOTBALL and fall! I love watching CLEMSON! People ask why I didn't go there and truthfully I tell them I wanted the best education for special education so I choose the school that was formally the teacher training school-just makes sense! Since my school doesn't have a football team I am cheer as loud (if not louder) then the students for CLEMSON!

I am a huge CLEMSON TIGERS fan. When it comes to football I cheer for CLEMSON and whoever is playing USC. Unfortunately today was not a good day for the TIGERS but that is okay there is always next game. I am the girl that knows the plays, the calls, and scream at the TV if I am not at the game ha. One thing that will make my day turn around is USC losing to SC State. People say it is a far reach but honestly when USC beats a ranked them they get cocky (sorry Gamecock fans).

This weekend has consisted of getting caught up on school work. Next week is a jammed packed week and not to mention I am fighting my second sinus infection in three weeks :( I have two midterms and I am getting observed teaching--oh the joys of college! But I am going to get back to College Football and school work. Hope everyone has an excellent Saturday!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

His Love is Amazing...

Today was a day that reminded me of how amazing my God's love is! I got to spend time with my daddy-which consisted of a lot of picking on each other-we call it tough love! We went to lunch and he filled up my tank! Funny story this morning on my way to school my gas light came on (if you know my dad that is the biggest pet peeve) so I decided I would stop and get a little bit. But I actually got $2.11 (price of a gallon-ha) to get my home until he came! Yes this is how desperate a college student is in this day and time! Alright I wouldn't normally do that but I just didn't want to hear from him about never let your gas light come on, running on fumes, blah, blah...I was just saying myself from that speech!

Another prayer request:
Another girl that is in my major spoke to me today about her younger sister. Her name is Julianna Bowman and she has Ehlors Danlos Type 2, which is a connective tissue disorder. She also has a leak of spinal chord fluid. Julianna's brain is sagging because it's in 1/3 of the fluid it's supposed to be in. At this time the doctors can't fix the leak because of the connective tissue disorder. There are only 13 cases in the world like hers. Today marked the two year anniversary of the diagnosis. Last year she was progressing and things where looking up but today was a reminder that this will always be there. She is currently in the hospital and doctors are talking with a hospital in New York about treatment and possibly moving her up there.
My friend is getting married in December and this is on her plate. She asked for prayers for her family during this difficult time. Also pray for doctors and nurses and their wisdom when dealing with Julianna.

Keeping praying!

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hello Fall!

Today was the first real day that felt like fall! The weather has been amazing! I just wanted to sit outside and enough the fresh air while I could since I know what kind of weather follows fall--COLD. I would love the weather to be like it has been low 70s nice breeze and sunshine for the whole year. Even though I would probably complain about it in the summer when it would be too chilly for the beach. I am just blessed to be able to experience this beautiful weather!

Tomorrow my dad is stopping by on his way to visit family in the north! I haven't seen him for over a month and its about time! I am such a daddy's girl and truthfully it is the hardest part about being in college-being away from my daddy. I love my mom and my brother but there is something about that daddy-daughter relationship that I just cherish and hold on to! I wish I could go with him but unfortunately have classes and lessons to teach to my awesome middle schoolers!

Here are just a few prayer requests that I have received that I want to share:

One of my best friends just send me a message that needs lots of PRAYERS! Her fiance's cousin was hit by a car and little details are have been made available. In the few seconds that we were on the phone she did tell me that he was rushed to the trauma center even though they say he was coherent. I would rather then be safe then sorry. But I am asking for prayers!

This is a very stressful semester for all teacher interns and we all need guidance with our lesson planning. We also need prayers that we can maintain a social life and academic life. This has been the most stressful part of the semester for me I feel like I don't have time for anything by academics! And I want to have a balance of both so I can interact with people outside of education. NO offense education majors!

Godly men and women for my single friends. This is a prayer we have all prayed about and we would like to continue to pray for!

Alright enough procrastination for the night time to get back to lesson planning! Hope everyone has an amazing night!

Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm Really BAD at This...

Okay I know I haven't written in over a month-SORRY! I came back to school and things got crazy busy. This semester I am teaching two days a week in a middle school and honestly love it! I never thought I would say this but I do! Even though I am still leaning toward teaching elementary school. So basically my life right now consist of lesson planning...unit planning...standardized testing...and the list could go. But oh how I LOVE my profession!

So who watches ARMY WIVES? My best friends and I always get together and watch it on Sunday evening and I am going to hate when the show goes off :( Last night Desperate Housewives came back on and I was never a huge addict until I got totally caught up in the plot line this summer. I love Sunday night TV shows and of course FOOTBALL!

My goal is to update this as much as possible! If only someone would hold me to it!
Have a great MONDAY!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Today's church sermon hit the nail right on the head. This summer has been a hard one for me because I called off an engagement in May and I have held spike, anger, and many grudges for what he did to me. I have really struggled with forgiving him for the way he treated me as an individual. Pastor Larry preached a sermon titled "A Lifestyle of Forgiveness" from Matthew 18:21-35. What a wonderful sermon...I was able to drop my grudges. God spoke and said to forgive, yes I know sometimes it is hard to forgive someone but it has made me a stronger person. This summer has been a build up of grudges because honestly I still don't understand how a person can treat someone they "love" the way I was treated. But that is besides the point but I have moved on it and it has made me a stronger person. Please take a few minutes and read the parable and let me know what you think.
The sermon really spoke to me about why as an individual and follower of Christ I should forgive. First I feel we should forgive to live in peace. Second we should forgive in order to move forward and not live in the past. (This summer I have learned that life isn't always greener on the other side and that I can't live in the past I must be a strong young woman and push forward through my grief and anger and overcome the challenges of the devil!) And finally we must forgive because we have been forgive by the almighty God!
I must say that I feel 100 pounds lighter and feel like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Praise the Lord!
I am so excited to be starting a new bible study called "Love, Dating, and Other Insanities...Relationships Without Regret." I feel hope that this shows me some insights of what I have to look forward to. I have struggled with moving forward and I pray that this study helps me grow as a person and overcome the past!
This week I will traveling to West Virginia and Kentucky to visit family. I will post later in the week! Have a great week!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend in Review

Hey ya'll!
This weekend has flown by so fast! I had Friday off for my mom's surgery that went amazingly well! Praise the Lord! This weekend I had the opportunity to meet up with a high school friend that I use to swim with. Her and I were very close but the distance of college and our busy schedules has pulled us apart...but we are working on that. We went to the Westin Resort and ate a fabulous lunch at Turtles, which is the poolside restaurant! We then went to the beach and relaxed and just caught up with each other. I love catching up with old friends. To make it even better I saw a ton of high school friends this weekend just out and about. I can't believe that we have been out of high school for three years. It always amazes me to find out where people are and what path of life they have taken.
Saturday I spend quality time with my daddy! I'm such a daddy's little girl still! We decided to just take a car ride around the island. We went to Harbor Town-even though we live on Hilton Head dad tries to avoid the tourist areas like the plague. We pulled right in by the water and people watched. We then went to South Beach- where the Salty Dog is located. We just drove through but we were about to catch up! Sometimes it seems that life gets to busy for the simple joys such as just driving around with your daddy. Car rides have always been part of my family. I remember growing up and dad taking the whole family on a car ride. We never knew exactly where we were going or when we would be home. But I have some of the best memories from those car rides.
Well today is Sunday and I am preparing myself for another work week!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today in a Nutshell

Hi! My name is Amie McCarty. I am new to blog and have decided to track and record my thoughts through online blogging. I'm a college senior and I'm sure that through my last year of college I will have many challenges, adventures, and thoughts to share. I am studying Special Education-something that has always been a passion and interest of mine. As my senior year approaches I have many decisions to make- where to teacher, where to pursue a master's degree, etc. and I want to use this blog to record all the thoughts, advice, and opportunities that arise. I hope you enjoy and please send me any questions or advice!

This summer I am working at a Christian preschool on the island. And needless to say this week has been an adventure. Monday it rained so the field trip to the park was canceled. Tuesday I had to catch a snake that was loose in the building. And today we took the Jellyfish (ages two to three) and the Alligators (ages three and four) on a dolphin cruise out of South Beach Marina. The kids were well behaved but my nerves were shot at the end of the trip. Making sure twenty little ones are holding on, sitting down, not climbing, etc. on a boat can be quite a little stressful. After the boat ride we ate at Jake's Pizza- one of the Salty Dog restaurants. By lunch time I was hot and exhausted all I could do was make sure the kids were feed and ready to get back to the school for nap time.

These kids have become part of my life this summer. Each of them are truly unique and special! Yes they each have their moments but I can overlook those :) Well time to prepare for Thursday!